Saturday 7 April 2012

Happy Easter!

A little early, but in anticipation of tonight's Easter Vigil & First Mass of the Resurrection, may I take this opportunity to wish all Catenians (and indeed all readers of this blog) a Very Happy Easter!

The BBC News website carries a report today that Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, will in his Easter Sunday sermon urge his flock to "wear proudly a symbol of the Cross of Christ" each day of their lives.  This, of course, comes in the wake of controversy over whether Christians should be permitted to wear a cross in the workplace, with two British Airways employees taking the issue to the European Court of Human Rights.

The comments in the combox are mixed but, predictably, some are positively hostile towards Christianity.  Some writers feel that by wearing a cross or crucifix, we are trying to show that we think we're somehow "better" than everyone else and that we are going to get to heaven whilst the masses are not; others rebuke Christians for being preoccupied about their right to wear a symbol whilst not behaving in a way that demonstrates love and compassion to others; some have a very basic misunderstanding of the foundational truths of our faith. 

I don't often wear a crucifix but this is for reasons of vanity (another necklace matches my outfit better!) or forgetfulness/laziness in the morning.  I think it's a good thing to do, but it does pose a challenge to us, i.e. that we conform our lives to the symbol we are wearing...  Well, I suggested a challenge to us all after the Incoming Presidents' evening in Worthing and another at the beginning of Holy Week, so why not a third challenge for Easter!  Let's wear a cross with pride, but above all let's make sure that in everything we do and say, our lives are a real witness of our belief in the Risen Christ and of the love and grace He makes available to all people - and that we know sufficient about the teachings of our faith to be able to enlighten others (the Catholic faith is actually very reasonable). 

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)

All readers will be glad to reflect that Mark and Lucy are expected back from Australia soon. I'm sure that your blog editor will then keep a stern eye on me so that I don't have a chance to think up any more "Catenian challenges"....!

Happy Easter, again. Surrexit Christus, alleluia!

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